Dec 26, 2008

Blind lives..

Vertical life,
in a horizontal plane.
Confusing directions,
confusing lines.
Withhold me here,
so that I learn,
more than I hear.
Shuttling of minds,
trusting the binds,
lives, live on..
Blinder than ever.
Vertical plane,
trying to dislodge,
my horizontal life.
Confusing me,
and making me blind.


f1speak said...

Tell me, who has got a bearing on existence? I always say, life is a death-trap. The more we try to get out the 'blinder than ever' it gets. I like the way you described the theme. I felt like moving around aimlessly/ blindly in a mesmeric maze of geometric patterns drawn by relationships, emotions, ambitions, dreams, what not? The question is (just to confuse you trifle bit more), who is responsible for the line - the pencil, the ruler or the person who drew it?
I like this poem very much. Thanks for introducing your blog through orkut. Keep writing.

- smokecanopy-

Durga Nandan said...

Thanks smokecanopy, -you seem to like this name better- i have always had lil 'out of mind' thoughts abt life. most people dont think it is worth it. so, now, poems stand witnesses to my thoughts. :)
i hope, i keep having thoughts, so i can pen them down. :)