Jan 5, 2010

Christmas Thoughts.. And New Year's

This year, no one asked me what my new year resolution is. Usually people would be on frenzy asking what I am onto this year. May be finally it got onto them. I dont take "New Year resolution"s.
Once upon a time, this was a fantastic conversation opener. We could talk on and on about the stupidities and needs of a new year resolution. Some years back, when I was still at school, dad used to make me take a resolution that I would study every day's lessons the same day. Some years into this tryst, he left the effort. I was never gonna change. :)
And anyways, the day I take a new year resolution would be the day [almost always] I broke it too. So, it never made any sense.

Years of innocent joy in school, I remember we had gift exchanges on Christmas. Which always took place on the new year reopening day cos of the 10 day long vacation.
Most of the times, I saw born enemies exchange gifts. Smiles on face and grunts behind. One year, I myself had to do it. Though I made sure it was not a loving gift. No dammit, I dont like to make it look like I loved a person, I hated with all my heart.
Then we had all those wealthy people, who were too damn kanjoosi to limit the gift to a card or so. We also had those "not well to do"s who would spend the whole year's personal savings so as to give this gift a good feel and to not be considered poor.
The most wonderful moment on this gift ceremony is the moment when someone comes and tells me secretly that preferred having me as a Christmas friend than the one they got or the one the other person got. I feel awesome even now about those moments.
And then, Appa used to bring a kind of flower from our fields that looked like it was made of snow. You know, a flower made of snow. On a miniature way, it looked like a snow covered tree. I used to decorate the crib with this flower. And sprinkle the path to the crib with its 'petals' so it looked like it snowed.
It was a wild flower. But it holds a special place in my heart. And gives me a sweet pain during the cold days of Christmas.
This year, the Christmas was brief. Amma was home [major attraction.] Went for Christmas shopping, bargained, bought, argued, joked, played along, bitched; all those things I ever wanted to do for a long time. Ate. Drank. Talked. Made merry. That was Christmas.
No crib, but had enough lights here and there that people thought underneath all those lights, there WAS a crib. :)

Christmas is special. So is the message it brings. Of a new awakening, a new year, a new chance.
So is everyone, who is with me on a Christmas day. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy new year
may the coming year be better than the previous ones.