Moving on...

When was the last time I wrote about mobiles? Well, if I remember correctly, it must be when my mob 'died' the last time. I lost my appetite and sat around staring at it for a long time. And tried everything to make it come alive. And it did.

6th year running, this mobile has been one of those things -very rare I must add- that saw me through a lot. I will spare you the emo-saga. That mobile knew how to keep me engaged most of the time. Or whenever I needed to be.
In these 6 years, my mob had just one technical problem [some IC had stopped working, whatever an IC is.] . And I had to run from store to store just so I could get it serviced. I would not say repaired cos there are some things that are repaired. More regal ones, serviced.
This was regal. Loyal. Awesome. And then, the switching offs that it frequently staged when I was out of order. Call it coincidence if you wish. But I think it knew my heart.

Like many other things I use, this one had this i-donno-what-its-called kinda bond with me.
To iterate, once, while I was not home, an aunt of mine came home. And she goes upstairs to my room -I hate anyone inside my room. Esp not when I am not inside it.- and sees this very ordinary clock [some 15 years old at least!] in my showcase. Dont ask me why I kept the clock in a showcase rather than on the wall, even though it was a wall clock. Ok, for those who asked, I could not just bear to put a hole on my room wall. Freak or what?
So, this aunt takes a liking to it and she asks my dad whether she could have it. Dad, the all beneficent, consents and allows her to take whatever she wanted from there.
I come back that evening and find my clock missing.

"Dad!!" [Of course I know its dad's work. Mom or sis knows not to give away my stuff.]
"What dear?"
"My clock??"
"Aunt came and asked and I gave it to her."
"You didnt!!"
"We will get you a new clock!"
"Why dont you do one thing? Buy one new and give it to her? I want my clock back here now!"

After long hours of persuasion and crying, dad manages to soften me up a bit. And the phone rings.

"What kind of clock was that?? It does not work!"
It was the aunt. And I had picked it up fortunately.
"Bring it back, its mine and we will give you a new one."
She brings it back and as soon as I put it back where it belonged, it starts working.
You decide.

This time, I am giving up my mobile. I just meant using it. Mom already told dad to make a space for my mob in the showcase. Cos she was sure I was not gonna throw it away. And right she is!
I could service it again. But I am not. It is time to move on. [Does it now sound like a broken hearted lover? :D]
I am already contemplating on new models. May be I learned it is stupid to mourn and fuss over things like that. Just like people die, gadgets have a life span. May be none of you would be able to relate with how I feel about this mob.

And the pink hut, I have no idea if it would fit my new phone. But I am sure that aint going anywhere either.
Things, -and people- I love and love me, stay with me. Forever. Or until they choose to leave.

Like it or not, you are going to stay with me. Dead or alive. I know you have no voice to make a choice. But I am sure if you did, you would choose staying.
Thanks for just being there. I love you.

I sat last night without sleep, staring at it getting charged. It would not switch back on even after hours of charging.
Guess it is time to move on.. I will.. :)

PS- I am in search for a model with qwerty keyboard, within 15k [all included] , 3G preferred, USB, GPRS enabled, min 16GB memory [expandable], muZic friendly [though not built just for muZic] and lookwise, great model, with a good track record. [Does that sound tooooo techy?]
If you have something in mind, just post a comment giving me a link to the specifications.. Would be helpful. :)
I found one though I am not sure if it is one of those obsolete models.

Update : That is not as old as I felt. In fact I guess I will have to wait till it hits the stores. Nokia E5 caught my eye. ;)


AJ said…
wow ... that's true love :o) and it's rare hahaha

these days sub 15k models become "old and out" within time you could notice properly .. what features it have.

u may try somethimg on android or android 2.0 ... these are cool one's , really useful and have as many free applications... which keep you intrested in them for a longer period of time :P

try motorola "milestone" : it has the most awesome navigator which u can use in many countries including india and navigator service is free of cost and yeah u may have 16gb+ of space and all that you want .


go for blackberry if u want something really business oriented : nothing can beat blackberry :)

hope that helps : but I am sure it won't :o)
Durga Nandan said…
@ AJ :Nope it is not about my interest. I dont need a 'perfect' phone. I just need one that I can use until I start my job. And for that a 15k mob is more than enough dont you think? :)

And about navigator.. :D I would certainly need that. I am too bad with directions actually.

And about getting a blackberry, the name entices me. Nothing else does, sadly.
I will check the Milestone up.
And sure you helped. :)

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