The year that passed..

Cant believe a year has passed. In the beginning of the year I was nowhere and trying to decide if I should go for an MA in Linguistics or an MBA in HR. I also had no idea whether I really wanted a boyfriend or not. I had no idea that I would be active on Facebook. I didnt imagine I would meet a couple of friends from net. And still better, that they would turn out to be verrrry good friends. I didnt imagine I would teach. Or work with Ads.
I didnt imagine I would be in a different city [not to mention a metro] with all that fast life and a curriculum to go with, by the end of the year, while I was lazily munching chips and trying to concentrate on a basic quant sum with my sleepy brain in last January...

Here is to a new year!
A hope for bigger better and a fantastic new year, for myself and for everyone who reads this! :)
Durga Nandan

PS - An MA in Linguistics is still not ruled out. :P


Deepak said…
Im not clear on ur boyfriend part...:P Can u pls explain further on it :D
Durga Nandan said…
Now I know who this Deepak is. :P
Never stop searching for gossips.. :P

Did the post mention I have one? Did it mention I do not? :P
Keep guessing then :P

rameez said…
Thanks for the smiles. Keep going Durga.
Here's to another year of lots of nutty, weird, funny, and what say, Durga-ish posts.

*raising glass*
Durga Nandan said…
Wow! That is one heck of a toast :)
Thanks Ramz :)
Glad you still read my blog :)
To my readers!
*raising glass* :)

Durga Nandan

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