Dec 25, 2011

New Love

New love,
the beauty of the world unfolds.
Stars shower in a starless night.
A new sunshine warms your heart.
Red seems more reddish,
nights more romantic.

New love,
Hearts beat faster.
Faces glow, bright and beautiful.
Eyes speak, eloquent yet silent.
Songs seem written and sung just for you.
Life more enticing, Every day.

And then,
it wears off.
You cry, Or he cries.
Or both do.
Or none. [Wow!]
It goes on.
And on.

And then,
Normal life ensues.
People stop being Zombies.
Normal life sets in.
It goes on.
And on.
New Love comes in.

And like a dentist's appointment,
you let it happen.
Again and again.
New loves, they are necessary evils.
The evil that brings hope.
Till THE one comes.
Then somehow, it becomes the only one.
Rest all are brushed off as crushes.
Crushed in the leaves of life...

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