Relationship Matters...
This is for those people who just got out of a relationship. Or in hopeless relationships either because of chicken partners or cause of something or the other. So, the strategy is, see the better side. Like, you learned a hell lot. No, don’t temme you didn’t. You at least learned what not to look for in a guy. Or when not to trust a gal. When to see a red signal... Plus, you had some really good moments with that person. May be that person turned out to be a real time a$$hole. But again, see the better side, you didn’t get stuck with an a$$hole the whole of your life.. And trust me, you have someone better waiting out there for you! No, I am not doing a cliche’. It is the truth. Someone with the guts to hold your hand for life is out there. And certainly that person is better than the one who does not! Next, let’s get into the scenario where it is just caste and creed that makes you lose that person. Ok, question. Will that person stay with you when life ahead proves trying, if that ...