Jan 15, 2009

My Work.

May be the world is forever round.
Or the sand is forever ground.
But this little piece of land,
is my asset of pride, alright.

Gone are the days I was landless.
Gone the days of being penniless.
My birth finally finds a meaning.
And my wife, can now stop weeping.

My kids can have their square meals now.
The mud pots no longer would be dry.

Should I continue?
I wish.
But I will kill you, if I do.
I dont feel like killing you.
May be, I should let you live.
Just give in to a bit of hope.
Flourish and find peace.
I am your God, your Creator.
You are MY work.
Yeah my farmer, grow.
Flourish and find peace.
I let you be!

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