Soliloquy of a "Narcissist" !

I talk to myself.
For no one does that for me.
I sing to myself,
and hear whatever I speak,
rather, listen..
For no one does that for me.
And love myself.
For again, no one does that for me.

No one is like me.
and I am like no one else.
And that is why,
as someone said,
"The more people I meet,
the more I love myself."
For no one else,
Yes, no one else, does that for me.


rameez said…
now, now..
Where is my royalty? I took copyrights on that phrase...
But all the same, i am very happy to see my profile pic inspired you...
Durga, I dont mind if you put something like Courtesy: rameez or something under it.. :)
just kidding, i dont want to ruin the poem..
Durga Nandan said…
u just let the world know.. :)
n yes, i shud have put on a courtesy tag.. :P Here it goes!
*courtesy for all the mistakes..- Rameez Rahman.. :P [enough? :D ]

hehe.. just kidding.. actually, its his pro pic that made me think about why i love myself so much. :)

inspired by Rameez Rahman. :)

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