25 Things About Me..

1. I prefer reading movie scripts to watching them. Strange enough, I have a feeling I might end up with someone who 'loves' watching films. :) [God save me. :P]

2. I have never grown out of this 'slim' brim. Been more or less the same. I used to eat a lot. But it never showed on my body. Now, Idont eat too much. But I still remain the same. :)

3. I use dictionaries whenever I can. Somehow, not lazy when it comes to words.

4. There was a time when I used to get upset when some said a swear word. I have gotten used to them now. Trying to get back to the old self after a pathetic scene of begging for forgiveness , having swore at someone close. :( [Mind, it, I dont do it that frequently. Not the swearing part re! The forgiveness part! :P]

5. I HATE noisy bikes. Silent is elegant.

6. Half my blabber does not make any sense to normal human beings. May be that is why I end up being with verrrrry abnormal people. :P

7. I hate eve teasing. Eve teasing is gross and lame and all the adjectives that exist in English that are synonymous with the aforesaid. Wtf do they get by simply passing comments on some lady walking around esp if she is all by herself?

8. I have goddam mood swings. One moment you see me all happy and exuberant. The next moment, all moody and sad. And I tend to pass it on to people who talk to me, the mood I am in.

9. I had a bloody temper. Not that I have completely brought it under control.. But, that fury is now a 'had'. :) Once in a while that old me comes out unexpectedly even for me. Well, I still have no idea how I manage then.. :(

10. I loooooove potato chips. Can live on it practically. :D Do not need it to be branded. It could be just something I fried. :D I have even skipped lunches to eat them. :)

11. Dilbert is my Bible. I wish I could LIVE Dilbert. Can go on reading and reading and reading it. :)

12. I cant manage a day without milk. I have a glass of milk daily. Morning. If flavored, the better. :)

13. Brains and silence are my weaknesses. :)

14. I am a lazy thing basically. But if annoyed or challenged, I do not stop without achieving it.

15. People call me stubborn. But I donno why I cant be or whether I really am. Its my life. I live it the way I want. Not the way others do.. So, gimme a break!! :)

16. I am inquisitive. I ask questions and bug people till I get answers [and results]. You could say I love knowledge. But equally dumb at quite a lot of things. :D

17. I used to have a good command over my voice. Mom n dad arranged for my muZic lessons.. Being a 'stupid' rebel, I discontinued soon. I regret it now. But have decided to get back to muZic and art, intensely, soon in life.

18. When I say I forgive, I mean I forgive. But like my dad advised, I dont forget. It just means, I mean what I say. Not what might seem implied. :) Sometimes, I play with words to remain truthful.

19. I have not found my passion yet. But I have a strange feeling that it might be a bit [lot :P] to the creative side and more to do with communication than anything else.

20. There are some things I love, but do not like. There are some things I like, but do not love. I have to live with both.

21. I love languages. And appreciate creativity and intelligence even in someone I loathe.

22. After the recession and job blues [and indigenous knowledge from 'sources' :D ], I have become real careful about money. And ways I spend it. And thanks to my dad n a close friend for this. :)

23. I was born a non veggie. But prefer to be a vegetarian.

24. There is no grey for me. It is either black or white.

25. I took days to compile these 25 things about me. Even weeks. Which makes it clear that I am pretty confused and ignorant about myself. Or rather to say, I have not given myself much of a thought. :)


Anonymous said…
Nice dear :) you used to eat a lot?? unbelievable:D.. u know, i had d same thought of writin about myself..m glad it's a great coincidence! I'll do it wen i get enuf tym to think:)
InConvincible said…
I can ditto use the things written at numbers 2,4,6:),7,8,10:),13,14,16:),18,first part of 19,20:),23:).

that goes something like 12.5 of your 25 random things. I've put a smiley on the one's which i find uncommon and lovely.

I m not that much online these days coz got some things. I was just checking my comments, couldn't help myself from commenting on this one.

And one more important thing, i think i should also have used a pseudonym for my blog. Initially i thought i would introduce my blog to my friends someday; but now i feel that it is restraining me from writing a larger part of my life and thoughts.

Take Care, and Keep Writing !
Now i understand why u've mentioned me FOCUSSED around twice in comments on my blog; u seem a lil bit similar. :)

And with reference to #6, pls dont call them abnormal yaar, instead call them different!
Gayathri said…
man,there are a hell lot of similarities..in fact very few of them were off-resonant..
particularly 2(obviously! :D),6,7,8,11,12(becoz it's not milk but coffee i cant live without!),15..i guess all these dont count to 25 ;)
23-i was born a veggie,and im still one..
Durga Nandan said…
@ Mia : I was tagged by Ramya on this one. :)
I tag you now. Eager to see it too. :)

@ G3 : 2, [I understand. :P]
6, Remember? u are one of those in my frnds circle. :P
7, U do not at least dislike eve teasing? :-o it's a surprise. a sad one that too!
8,i know u have mood swings. though not as dwindling ones. dont lie. :P
[clarify please. :p]
Durga Nandan said…
@ RK : 2, Never knew you were slim. :P Finding out things like this about you.. :) slim.. :)

4, I understand you and empathise with you.. :(

10, You love potato chips. :D :D :D
Yo man! We rokk! ;)

13, I dont think this is common too. :)

19, I could assume as much from your blogs.. :)

20, It is a bit difficult for other ppl to understand it seems.. :)

I initially blogged anonymously. No one knew I had a blog. It was not remotely linked to anything I published. My bro found it out one day. And he 'threatened' to make it public. I dont take threats from people. Not even from people close to me, even as a joke. So, I made it public myself.. :) Or else, Durga would have been still anon. :)

Being public affects my writings a bit. But I take care not to let it affect if I can help. :) It is good to stop thinking what others wud think of me if they read what I write. That affects writings.. :)

Yeah! We are Different. :)
And similar. :D [oxy]moronish!!. :D

Take care. :)
Anonymous said…
man! it has been ages since i tagged tagged u! i could relate to many things. but i guess i am much stable in terms of temper and moods and being stubborn. But, i am ignorant and careless. Trying to get outta this problem of mine :-)
Durga Nandan said…
@ ramya : told ya dear.. it took days to write this one down... started penning ages ago.. :)
and good luck with ur trials. :)

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