Count your chicken...

They say dont count your chicken before they hatch.
I ask "What if the chicken die after hatching well?"

So when do we count them?


Anonymous said…
even if there is a subtle idea behind what you want to say, I find an irony...
they advise not to count your chickens before they hatch only because we are not sure how many will die even after hatching successfully.
Or I am wrong??
Durga Nandan said…
Well, the corollary to their statement would clear up your confusion I guess " Count your chickens only after they hatch"

Does it not contrast my statement? :)
Anonymous said…
I think now I got mean to say that we can never say what will happen so there is no use worrying about it...
Durga Nandan said…
Yeah, and I think the right time to count your chickens is RIGHT now!
You never know when one of them will die. :)
Anonymous said…
Good Insight. Nice post!
BK Chowla, said…
I think it means..remain optimistic,hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

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