A.D. 2500*

*Please refer the Glossary, given at the end of the story, for the new words[given in italic bold] while reading.

A.D. 2500

People are whooshing all around in their minizooms. I must be the only one in the whole of earth without one, I thought scornfully, waiting for my boy friend in the park. Has been a long wait. Same thing. Always. Too much of enjoyment from his side. And carelessness. Only till we get the married dose though. I looked around and gloated. Our community park has oxygen parlors and water gardens. It even has synthetic green coverings sponsored by God. Most just had Oxygen parlors.

Minirobos were driving around selling stuff. Vitamin capsules are over. I should buy some. And some roughage. It has been a week since I ate roughage. Just dreamsules.

Hmm.. I hope the engagement dose would be strong enough. I heard the Geraldines [they are the descendants of an ancient Indian family. Too embarrassed of their culture it seems. Changed their name from Ghemavats to Geraldines. Three generations back. ] had trouble with their lot. After one year Mr. G started fluctuating. They complained to the JoBo and it was sent to God for appeal. God knows what happened. I have to remember to send a message asking.

Ah.. His minizoom is approaching. He will have trouble getting out this time. He is still on junk diet. In the 20th century, people used legs to travel. They could move their legs in synchrony and called it walking. Faster walking was running.
We have two stubs there. Evolution. I have never tried walking. Only two people who have succeeded walking for two whole minutes, are alive today. Both are kept under high security vaults and under surveillance. Somewhere in Indian Subcontinent.

Look at him! A fat sphere. Even his hands ain't clearly there. Wow! 'Hmm.. too evolved.', I thought with pride. But he is too obese to live for long. I should be careful about my marriage dose may be... 'OK. God, don't tell him my plans. If he lived longer, I will take more doses', I thought, Knowing that the all-knowing-all-powerful God saw my thoughts.. I hope he takes life-enhancement surgeries.
And if God gives us kids, I ll have to take the dosage anyways.

God. Talking about God, 500 years ago, they had many different religions they say. Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and lotsa li'l religions with different beliefs and cultures. Those barbarians even killed in the name of religions. And Gods. In plural! So many names and forms for God. We have a single religion now. And a single God. Formless, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent, limitless, immortal.. They had those concepts. But never really found God. Even when God was present in them, in their minds.

It is said God took birth in the minds of two individuals of the 20th century. Was not called God initially. Was first called 'Google'. Then someone said,"Google is god". But it was only when the nuclear war [also called the world war 3] started, that Google intervened and saved earth from complete destruction. And took over the control, finally.

'Google Opposing Destruction-GOD- of earth and earthlings', started a world wide campaign online. And Thank God! The world was saved. World finally accepted God.

A huge change came after God took control. We were all tagged. And tracked. Organized. And Safe.
I gloated on how the world had developed and emerged ideal. Thanks to God. The Savior of Earthlings!

I should request God for a minizoom this year. I have been good throughout the year. Thinking of how I would decorate my minizoom, I walked to the nearest minirobo to buy roughage.

---The End.---

Glossary :
Minizoom : a small car shaped vehicle that seats one and runs on solar energy. Flies, swims, runs and paddles. Near supersonic speeds.
Water garden : where you see pure H2O rather than the capsulized form used normally. the water is arranged in various entertaining forms like waterfalls, pools, icecaps etc.
Dreamsule : a capsule that is chewed to get the feeling of having eaten a particular food or flavor.
Marriage and Engagement dose : dose of pheromones from each other given to ensure commitment in spouses. It is sold in year ratings. And people take it instead of marriage vows.
JoBo : Judge Robots. Preprogrammed with universal laws. And mind-reading softwares.
Life enhancement surgeries : That which replaces torn and worn body parts so as to lengthen lifespan from 30[usual] to 60 years[after enhancement].

PS- This, is my 200th post on this blog. I wanted it to be about CAT and my idea about this year's CAT. But no. I had an idea from one of the tweets I read. I typed the idea out lest I forget it.
Comments welcome.
Good Day!
DN :)


rameez said…
creative imagination let loose.
Raghu VN said…
Great imagination..!!
ME and me said…
Great Imagination.. reading it felt like seeing one of those futuristic movies.
Nice to get one more blog to keep track on.
Durga Nandan said…
@ ramz : :) thanks..
and Raghu : welcome aboard. :) Hope to see you here once in a while.. :)

@ seeja : thanks dear.. reciprocated.. :)
nandu said…
great imagination.. hats off!
Durga Nandan said…
@ nandu : Thanks a lot dear.. :)
It means a hell lot to me. :)
Durga Nandan

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