Some 'Punny' Questions...

There are some books that I wish I could read again. Why?
Why cos, I wish I had the patience to go through the book again and take every line I hated in there and criticize it.

Why do they name hurricanes with gals' names? - I ask.
"To catch the fishermen's attention" - He replies!

Two incidents a friend shared.. [He is not working in Kerala FYI!]

1."Once I was talking to a mallu frnd of mine on phone.. About going for a movie..
He was asking about some timings and I was asking him everytime "athinu pono, atho vere pono?"
Sometime later after the call, my colleague behind asked "You keep talking about porno all the time.. Dont you?

2.Another phone call oveheard from his cabin..
"Sir I cant find it under the shelf.."
"Where sir, I cant hear you!"
"Sorry sir, under the desk you mean?"
"Sorry sir, under where, under where sir?"
[Ok, ^ that one, needs to be heard to be understood. Imagine it in your head.. ;) ]

I was visiting a tee shirt shop [window shopping actually] with an [1]8 year old gal [no points for guessing who..] and she screams
"Virginity is the lack of opportunity! Did you ever think of that?!!!"
[No of course I didnt think of it you moron! ...But will be all what I think of for a week now!]
Shoppers had stopped everything they were doing and stared.
Oblivious to all these, she jumped looking at another tee comparing gals with landscapes or something..

Lets just say that was an embarrassing 'tee shopping' moment at the very least.


Arun said…
The full message in Tee was this
'Virginity is not Dignity but just a lack of Opportunity'

BTW happy to see that this post is not cliched in a typical Jo style
Durga Nandan said…
OMG! So you guys saw it??!! :(
There.. I told you!
Jidhu Jose said…
hahaha....Arun always watching these
suraj pk said…
ka u remember wat was my comment over it.. ? :)

@jo n resh : njanum kandu!
Durga Nandan said…
what was ur comment? :?
Arun said…
oops i too don't remember.. share it here if it is safe to b in public :D .. else u can mail me ;)

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