Too Bad at Being Sick!

[One day...]

Oh! the OTHER sick!! I had to tell someone who misunderstood the 'ill-sick' or 'not well-sick' to be the 'feel bad-sick'. :|
I say I am sick and tada, the bad me is out of the sack. [Ok not like I am perfect at other times. But sometimes I can be horrible.]

Day before yesterday, a sudden chill runs through my spine and I find it verrry unusual. Does it stop with the chill? No! From there, I get these tired limbs, creaky and painful joints and lightheadedness and this feeling that I might never be able to walk using my limbs again. The fever plays its own game, peekaboo.
Spirits really run low. Just mine. Initially I just try thinking I am imagining stuff. When I could stand up no more without support, I know I am going down now.

And I hit bed. When the chill comes, I switch the fan off. And when it goes away, I start sweating. And the worst part was, I could not move. Moving ached. Out of the blue! You know, I had not gone into the rain, no fever inducing activities and this guerrilla attack was just that. A guerrilla attack. :|

My temper starts running high and I dont stick to any channels. Browse browse and srowse. [Ok, that was drowse. Oops! Browse. Just that I am a bit drowsy.]
So, then, the stupid remote control stops working. Like I was gonna tolerate that.
That was the remote flying to a remote area. ;)
I hear some shattering. I amass all my strength and walk upto the area of destruction [obviously, the remote wont walk back to me!] and see a very nice showpiece whose nose is broken. And out dear remote with its batteries out.
I put the showpiece back so the flowers hide the nose. [By the time someone finds that nose out, the statue would be out of vogue. ;)]
I bring back the remote and try making it work. No. It just wont.
So, what do you do in such 'emergency situations'?
Go use the TV controls! What were you thinking? :?
I did exactly that. And yeah, put the remote on the floor.

Enough of TVing I decide and try some lying around. Which is more like just switching off the TV. So no luck.
And then I manage to get some 40 winks when the goddam landline rings!
Which is like having to walk half a Kilometer to just pick it up, considering my 'pathological condition'. So I curse the one who invented landline and wondering why he or she could not just have straightaway invented the cellphone.

I pick it up.
"Hello this is your tailor. Is Meghna home?"
I try hanging up when the female at the other end says something. So I cant hang up yet. [And go lie down, my tired body adds]
"Actually I have two neck designs here. One with a square neck and piping that makes a window across."
"What?" My mind tries to decipher that.
Of course she is not a mind reader so she just carries on.
"And the other is a petal neck. Any idea which one is for her salwar?"
"No I dont. I was not there when you wrote it."
"But you are her sis. You would know what she wants."
"No. "
"Please.. Just try remembering..."
"Remembering?? You know, why dont you do one thing? CALL LATER AND ASK HER YOURSELF!"
Yeah, my bad, I shouted.
She hangs up.
And constant interruptions to my sleep by something or the other.

The only good part about being sick is that your family shows more care then. Dad goes all berserk initially, blaming food to weather to habits for the ailment. This time around, it was paneer for him. "You eat paneer from god-knows-where and end up like this!" "When I said be careful, you didnt listen!" "Suffer now!!!"
If I get through that phase, he transforms into the most caring fellow in the whole world. He suddenly remembers things you wanted in the past and comes home with it, without being asked.

Sis, who is really cold at other times, cooks for you and makes sure you feel a bit better at least.

Mom, who is too busy at work, calls up and puts up with my cranky behavior.
[An afterthought, I love my awesome family! Just love them. We are not perfect individuals. But We are complete together. With all our shortcomings.. :) ]

I am back to health now. And back to eating junk. Or whatever I feel like, covers the "junk".
This time, the fever lasted two days. And as someone said, you dont get much of it at other times anyway. So, while you have it, enjoy it.
In Chennai, I wont have a dotting dad or fighting sis or a mumbling mom. I will have peers who fight for a better GPA than me. I will have a hot climate. I will have new surroundings, different food.. You fall sick, you fall back.
So, these days, that is what I do.. Enjoy with family and friends here..

I hope one day, I can write the same about Chennai too.. I have a lot of prejudices for that place. And I have been cautioned too. But I hope the place has more good to offer me than bad.
So, two years down the lane, I can write that I loved being there.
Amma calling me for breakfast...
Cheerz till I see you again. Without a cliche post preferably!
Durga Nandan


Arun said…
its a new info that you watch TV :D
Durga Nandan said…
Just for two months yaar. Not more than that.. :)
AJ said…
I wonder , if u miss being "sick".

After all u end ur post on a happy note , having all love and affection from ur close ones .

btw ... the description of ur 'sick health' was horrifying ... even i could feel some chills ... haha

take care

Resh said…
loved readin dis one though i'd heard most of it already :)
Durga Nandan said…
@ AJ : :)
Yeah sorta miss being sick. But I hate the part where I cant move around.
Dont let the chill affect your spine. That is what happened to me. :(
Cheerz! :)
Durga Nandan said…
@ Resh : :D Yeah I do blabber a lot dont I! :D

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