What 'not' !

Usually we do the 'Be the Roman in Rome' thing and decide if the society thinks it is good, it is and do it. Although it helps getting along with people, I think it is lame in one way. You like what you like.

1. I see people making mayhem over Monalisa.
I dont understand what all the hullabaloo is all about. I dont think she has a smile or sadness on her face. I think its just a fat gal with no eyebrows! [You never noticed that before. Did you? :D ]
She is toooo fat if you ask me. I bet the model died of obesity related reasons soon after the painting.
And the veil thingy he tried, I dont think it looks any good to me.
Tell you what? Now,

This is something that impresses me.
But of course, we believe what the west says is good, is good! Pathetic!

2. I dont think Aishwarya Rai looks any good! Sushmita Sen does!
Aishwarya looked good initially, I admit. But the hype even now? I dont get it.

Just watch the stupid ad for "Longines"[Prima Luna].
The one where she simply walks around with no story line and the whole ad is based on this walking around.
When they show her face, just look at those wrinkles that show obviously and compare it with the "MohabatteinAsh. The " Mohabattein" Ash looks angelic and the "Longines" one looks all artificial ; not to mention, old.

I think she better start thinking about a baby unless she wants to never have one. But that is MY opinion. The Bacchchan family may do whatever they wish!

3. I dont think Shakespeare's plays are great.
No, it bores me to death. He certainly had a good vocab compared to his contemporaries. But I think that is just about it. All those people who think the plays are great, try reading any one of them in their unabridged versions [i.e. the way he wrote it]. I bet most would be sleeping before 10 pages.
It was just a show off for people of his time to go for those plays. If his vocab was not the common man's, certainly none understood what the actors said... You know, the high society thing!

Well, I have no patience anyways.

PS- I am putting in a new experiment in my blog.. A situation where, whatever you say, how much ever you explain, wont make sense, is presented graphically. [Or as much graphics my patience lets me put in.]
"Speechless", is what I call it.
I hope I can continue it at Chennai...



a j said…
I think ur Shakespeare comment is too harsh, I enjoyed reading them in their original form in my childhood after all.

I do agree to the basic principle that it is better to think differently, if every one thinks the same may be none is actually thinking.
Durga Nandan said…
@ aj : I am happy you enjoyed it. :)
In fact, I got the book from you and read it too. But it is too tedious for leisure. You need to be studying the book than reading it. :)

And the high society thing, is an accepted fact. :)
Glad to know you still go through this place. :)
Arun said…
i too always felt the same way abt monalisa :D
Durga Nandan said…
So u think Ash is still beautiful huh? :P
Anyways, to the fat Monalisa! :)
Arun said…
can't say tat Ash is not beautiful... won't say she is the most beautiful person either :)
Anonymous said…
Thanks for giving Bachchans permission to do their thingy. Now they can indeed feel free! Naren
Durga Nandan said…
@ Arun : :)

@ Naren : Still with that great streak of sarcasm. :) hehe..

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