Which one do you laugh at?

The things people laugh about when they hear, marks their age.

Kids in KG start giggling when you mention soo soo and pee pee.
In school, it is about the excretory actions of human body.
In teenage, they giggle about sex.
In youth, it turns out to be love.
And then, in mature adulthood, you laugh at people who mention marriage.
At old age, you laugh thinking how you laughed at different things at different ages.

Life is a funny thing if you ask me.


Jidhu Jose said…
In every age, all are laughing. In every age, reasons changed for laughing..
but u can find lots of people who are forget to laugh.
Gayathri said…
Hahaha.. I find it funny now when people giggle or laugh at all the above mentioned things.. shameless,you can call me :D
Durga Nandan said…
@ Jidhu : :)

@ G3 : I always wondered why they giggle at these. But then, it was cool back then. So I didnt dare question. [Stupid me. :)]

PS- Ah! I am talking like a 90 year old again! ;)

Durga :)

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