Dhobi-isms and Dhobhiship thoughts..

A random life, A random thought.
Things have changed a f*kin lot.

I am into a lot of things now.
The acads, busy ones that never give you breathing space on one side, extras and clubs on another, relationships on yet another, and sleep to be balanced on. And of course, the dhobi job. That no one can do for me.
And in between all these, you get little time for your dreams, for self, for your loves.
But then, a manager manages himself or herself first... So, gotta make time.
Watching movies have been a recent craze for me. God knows why I never realized there were so many wonderful movies I had not gotten my hands on.
Some blog ideas are buzzing around in my mind. But I need time to type them and draw them out.
BTW, my happy budday just passed by. Yours truly is now a full 22 year old kid!!! :D :D

You know, I have some *GREAT* thoughts about being a dhobi. In fact, I respect them now. Being a dhobi requires special skills and knowledge.
Some facts about dhobiship and some dhobi-isms! [My finds obviously! You can agree with it :P ]

  1. He knows that new clothes are washed separately.
    Learnt it the hard way, mixed all clothes and washed once. :( Now a lot of my clothes have a black tinge to them.. :D
  2. He knows that some washing powders cause allergy.
    Incidentally, moi tried washing clothes the first time in Chennai to find blisters on my hand the very next day. And skin started peeling off which in turn turned red and scared me like hell.
    Slowly I got used to it and now, I wash like a pro here :P
  3. He knows that one bucket or two buckets, time consumed is a full day.
    At least, it does to me. :-|
  4. He knows that the day you wash, it rains in Chennai.
    Every time I wash, it rains here!! Even if it was sunny the whole day. Roommies ask me to wash when they need a lil bit of rain now. Seriously!
  5. There is one such thing as professional washing. You have to do test rides on a lot of your clothes to get a hang of it. But by then, a lot of your clothes would be good enough to sweep the floor.
  6. Washing machines aint available wherever you go. So better learn to wash!
  7. It is a very very very viable business in and around this place. I, in fact, had plans to start one as soon as I got in here. 
  8. When you are a lazy bum unwilling to wash, you will invariably have a roommie who is right behind you asking you to clean the mess. :P
Yours truly also realized that chocolates lift your mood up. A lot. I am having one as I type this...
In a kinda disturbed state of mind, for no reason whatsoever,


Anonymous said…
couldnt agree with ya more!
ESP #4 - SOooo true!

good post, jo!
Gayathri said…
Hahaha!!! It only justifies my demand at home to find me a groom who invariably has a washing machine, fully automatic preferred :D
rameez said…
Acads- I've read from another blogger that acads, esp. the 'big-shot' acads like the Managerial ones are known to freeze one's creative tastes. I'm surprised you're still even live and kicking in the blaag space.
Movies- Had the same feeling sometime back in my Engg days, when I was told and shown about a world other than Indian Cinema. ( I was like, 'really?'). Too many to list out and recommend, so not venturing into that. :-)
Dhobi-ism: cant agree more. Whereas Moi, being clever as always, have a roomie who's an even lazier bum, bought a washing machine, which almost can think on its own. Problem solved. ( Okay, so what if i was totally broke and had to beg on my knees for the next month? ;-( )
point 7. That's joe the entrepreneur talking, baby!
He's woken up!
Durga Nandan said…
@ grace : good to see you here finally! will be on ur blog from today. sad cant follow u.

@g3 : i would prefer buying one myself so i dont have to depend on someone for a washing machine. :P

@ ramz : it aint a he its a she u bum! :-|
and yes, i plan to be alive and kicking here a lot more. :)
rameez said…
Oh yeah..
typo again.
But still, entrepreneur sounds a bit masculine, dont you think?

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