Mind, The Beautiful...

I think the most beautiful thing on the world is a human mind. From childhood, though we stuff it with information that was found before and make it work like a machine that we dont have time to think originally about anything with it. Marks, grades, placements.. It is a wonderful machine alright. But it is better left to itself. No formal education will help it do anything worthwhile. At least nothing new, like a breakthrough will come out of it if you stuff and run it. It needs to be left alone. When it needs something, I am sure it will find ways and information on its own.
A child can never be taught to walk. It learns by itself. Similarly, It picks up speaking all by itself. That is how nature prefers a child to learn. What we have in our world, I dont say it should not be transferred to others. But, record it. So that if anyone needs more information, they can leaf through. And learn. But not make a mess out of his brain by just stuffing it with stuff. We lose the natural ability to analyse stuff ourselves. Well, this is just a thought. I believe in it. And I certainly follow it too...
Wonder what others think...


Vinay Chandran said…
True thought. It is always stuffed with all so much unnecessary things which we don't require that much.
Durga Nandan said…
Welcome aboard :)
Vinay Chandran said…
Yeah Sure. Thanks! Hope you are having a nice time. :)

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