Relationship Matters...

This is for those people who just got out of a relationship. Or in hopeless relationships either because of chicken partners or cause of something or the other.
So, the strategy is, see the better side. Like, you learned a hell lot. No, don’t temme you didn’t. You at least learned what not to look for in a guy. Or when not to trust a gal. When to see a red signal...
Plus, you had some really good moments with that person. May be that person turned out to be a real time a$$hole. But again, see the better side, you didn’t get stuck with an a$$hole the whole of your life..
And trust me, you have someone better waiting out there for you! No, I am not doing a cliche’. It is the truth. Someone with the guts to hold your hand for life is out there. And certainly that person is better than the one who does not!
Next, let’s get into the scenario where it is just caste and creed that makes you lose that person. Ok, question. Will that person stay with you when life ahead proves trying, if that same person is scared of the society and its rules and jurassic caste and religion?
You temme!
And if it’s a guy you just lost, trust me, he does not love you enough to make you his in spite of all what he might have said in his sweet talks. I mean, men are supposed to be exhibiting possessive attitude in relationships if they are really serious about it. Even if they are very shy at publicly admitting it.
The girl part of the same coin, you spent a lot of money on that girl. If she is not grateful for at least that, you wanna spend the rest of your life spending money on the same girl? Well, these days the money part applies to the girls too. They have started earning very well.
Now, why you crying? Are you aged? Is your youth past you? No, most probably not. Then what? You have not become any less attractive. Go get the next one. Have fun. Take life light. If you are not ready for another commitment, go have fun anyways. Go skydiving. Go into the unexplored caves of Himalayas and meditate. Go round the world. Go do it!
Yeah, I know emotions are not on your side right now. But once you learn to think with your brain, well, you got yourself a permanent yoga teacher.
Turn to spirituality. I know. I heard that. But it kinda brings a bit of peace into your heart. Just spend more time with yourself. Instead of smsing and calling the nights out. Instead of spending that money on her, spend it on yourself. Get a nice pair of sneakers. Or the strapless gown you always wanted.. Go get it!
Know what you really wanna do with life? GO FIND IT!
There is only one life. It is your free ticket to the school called experience.-Hogwarts being the next best.. J - Use it well! J


Anuroop reddy said…
cool! blog u have here :) ..., will come back again and read the other entries tooo :)

btw following you :)
Durga Nandan said…
Thanks Anuroop. :)
Happy Blogging! :)
Deepak said…
hey really a nice one.....
May be one of the best :P
Great Going :)
Durga Nandan said…
Thanks da deepak.. :)
I know why you like it. :P
DN :)
rameez said…
Were you on a high or something when you typed this out?
Durga Nandan said…
I dont remember. But I dont think I was anything but normal :)
I wrote it for some friends who were going through somewhat similar situations.. :)

Cheerz! :)
Anonymous said…
i have been reading all your posts...did not yet go thru d older ones..but this really cool and well written..i agree with rameez who thought u were on a High wen u wrote this..i too think so..Bhanu
Durga Nandan said…
Really Bhanu, I dont remember :)

Hope you enjoy the stay here :)

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