Time Travel.

Yeah yet another argument you cant travel in  time. This time I am pretty sure I am right.
Well, traveling at the speed of light would not take you back in time. Why?
Why because, as you travel faster than light, you see the light that was sent as much time before as the speed increases.
But, you only see an image of the place or person. The time has actually passed and you cant take it back. It is like rewinding a video. You cant touch feel or talk to them. You can only see how it was before it happened. Probably you can use it to solve crimes. But as it goes further into past, the speed would have to increase at the same rate making it more difficult to see back in time.

And probably, just a probably, since the light has already left the reflective source long back, when we travel faster, after the initial ability to see the past, when no more light is left, we will just see darkness.
I ll tell you how.

We travel faster than light towards an object to see how it was before an amount of time. We reach near the object. At point A of every ray, where it meet the object and get reflected, the reflection stops and only light we see is from the source of light. So, we just cant 'travel' back in time further than that. Or with my argument, you cant see back in time further than that.

Or probably you can increase your speed further to see faster.

I dont think we can travel back in time by traveling faster than light. And if we only needed to see back in time, we could as well fit a cam and record stuff. Unless its a crime scene... Where obviously it would help.

Comments please..
Durga Nandan


a j said…
superluminal travel is associated with time-travel due to the relativistic effect of time dilation. Or, the 'moving clocks tick slowly' effect. it has not got any thing much to do with seeing the light emitted form a point at an earlier time. Remember that we are always seeing light emitted at much earlier time when we star gaze.

we can always talk of the 'philosophy' of time travel with out too much math, but all such ideas will remain subjective. If the intention is to make an objective and logical study, it needs a bit more effort than 'faster you go, older light you see' sort of arguments.
Durga Nandan said…
First of all, please make the terms clear as 'normal' people read it here. :P The only dilation most 'other' people might know could be pupil dilation.
And since you say light emitted has not much to do with this, I have to take your word for it. I am not much into menhirs of physics like you. :P

But, the idea that only math can make anything objective, is ridiculous. Logic, probably unproved by your so called math, stays, even if you say it has no proof.

Probably my science in this is wrong, but not always is my logic. :)
Thanks for replying anyways. :)

PS- Seems I need to read more about this time travel thingy before doing further commentary. But does my life depend on it? Nope. So probably I wont. :)

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