What Farmville Taught Me...

So, there was this time I hated people for sending me farmville requests and posting on my wall about their farmville stuff. I mean, you have to clean your profile and wall like a trash bin every day cos people send you requests. Every day, "Bubilidubilidoo sent you a request on farmville." I dont want the hell of this thing on my profile, I would scream out in desperation. And I even joined a community called

"I dont care about your farm, or your fish, or your park, or your mafia!!!"

I even used to bitch about this to my friends. And put it on ignore.

Now then, one day, I thought, what the hell, if everyone likes it, there must be something... I 'unignored' the application and loaded it. I started planting. I mean, I love plants. Seeing it being done virtually was ironic cos the best part of being a gardener or planter is that you get to play with mud and water. ;)
And then, my plants started growing.. I enjoyed it. But I still didnt like people posting on my wall about this. Incidentally, I still dont. But I like my farm and keep looking at it for the heck of it.
Now, to what I learnt from my rendezvous with farmville..

  1. I am driven by incentives. And like being recognized in material form for my work.
  2. I like seeing results in short amount of time.
  3. I dont like clutter on my work site.
  4. I dont like more luxury than I have space for.
  5. I sell off things that are not required even if those things are in vogue and I have the money to buy it.
  6. After some time, I need novelty to work on. Probably an innovative work environment or something new to work with.
  7. I like small homes.
  8. I like my li'l space around me. Anybody does anything with it, or within it, is over and out.
  9. I like taking my time out and sitting in a cozy place and relaxing till I feel like working again.
  10. I always like adding a personal touch to anything I work on. It feels great.
So, I liked farmville cos it taught me about myself. Now I know what kind of a job to look for. I still dont like people posting on my wall about farmville requests. [Note it, if you are reading this.] And I still dont flaunt my farmville stuff. But it is a nice application till you get used to it. :)


Durga Nandan said…
Yup, I am the 'brutusi' now. :P

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