
I am frustrated.
At this world full of phonies who act all good to everyone, when their heart is full of hatred.
The world full of hypocrites, who say one thing on face and go do something else behind the back.
Those who show affection till they get their things done.
Those who act friendly till they get what they want.
At all those advice bugs who never care to follow their own damn advises.
The world that never keeps its words.
The world full of people who think only of themselves and their gains.
The world filled with people who think they are the best.

Well I know I am not perfect. I know I should not expect anything better from this place. I know these @553s were bulk ordered to earth. But then sometimes these 'fill in the blanks'es make me wonder if I am the one who is wrong and should give up!
It is a sad sad day. I have had more than many of the above said experiences today.
I am frustrated.


Arun said…
entha ee '@553s' :p
Durga Nandan said…
well, I thot it was evident. But obviously, u want me to say it!
Asses! :P

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