Jul 15, 2009

5+5, 11

"She is the one who said 5+5 is 11."
A baffled glare.
I grinned. Embarrassed. :D
"No sir! Not that one!"
"Why not? Not many people are that good."
Turning to the guy seated in front of us,
"She was the one who said 5+5 is 11."

Once, I was kinda day dreaming in the English class with a bit of 'ill-logical' puzzles humming around. And sir was talking about an interview, for 10 people, from which, 5 would be selected. Suddenly sir said "They say, they selected five. I say, they rejected five. Interviewing is actually a process of rejection."
"Yeah" I thought. "You interview people even for friendship. And reject them when you dont like them."
Sir continued... "Anyways, the number is the same. 5 on each side. 5+5. Total 10."
"No sir! 11!"
"What?" Glares and sneers .
I was out of my dreamland and realized what I just said.
"Yes sir. 5 selected. 5 rejected. And the interviewer."
From then on, for that sir, I was 5+5, 11.

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