Can't do it 'For Nuts'!

One of my bros work in a sister concern of a church that takes care of mentally disturbed people. Now one day, I went with him to see the establishment. He always mentioned how the people there [mostly mentally disturbed.] would make you think if it was you or them who had problems with minds.
Anyways, we were received by the in charge priest, who was walking in the garden. Getting back into the office, he suddenly said "You know, I think we need to call the Tech Help people again."
"Why ? What is wrong now?" Bro asked. " We had those guys come and check the whole lappy yesterday! You got a virus into it again?"
"No no... Not a virus. Everything is fine. Just that the laptop wont switch on now. There are lights and all on and blinking. But the thing wont work!"
We went straight to check out. The battery was down and power plug was off the power outlet. And the whole day those guys were watching Passion of Christ on it. So much about the one who runs the place. Imagine the people inside!

PS- Not that he does not know about the lappy stuff. He had owned that thing for a year now. But when you live with people off rockers, you tend to stop using your own head.


AnjuGandhi said…
well i dont think that ,"But when you live with people off rockers, you tend to stop using your own head." because the same happend with me. my laptop will not even blink and I got panicky that gaya mera laptop ab to!!!! then my son came and told the same thing that the battery was low and power plug was off.
so it is just that at times we can so bowled over by our other stresses of life that we tend to ignore such common sense things

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