The Modern Knight.

I went out and drove long.
I tried to make it look right all along.
But then, I was gonna meet a 7 foot man.
And ask him to return money he owed Joan.

Now, Joan, is my crush.
And him, her Ex- crush.
If that makes a wee sense,
with or without pretense.
This ain't the old Knight.
But I got an armor for the fight.
With Justice and right.

I go there,
I knock once.
He opens
and stares.

I tell him,
"There, you should pay!"
He tells me,
"As if you can frighten me away!"

"No I cant. But right is with me.
Justice too.
I am her Knight,
here to fight!"

"Oh! You will!..
Sure you will!..
But since I owe,
you should have proof?"

"No I dont. But you sure do."
Things took a change
and he had a smile.
"Why dont we talk like men?
Please get in while I get a pen."

I get in and wait.
He does reenter with his pen.


I drive back home happy as a bee.
Whistling and humming,
a tune she sang to me.
There you see,
he had given me proof.
Writ the debt,
on my forehead in Ink.
The Indelible Ink.

Yeah, I reach back home,
I see my gal next door.
And needless to say,
I have hidden the debt with a hat.
I smile,
She smiles.
We part.

Next day, she comes home.
"Here is the money I owe you!"
And pay me back.
"Where did you get so much?"
"He payed me back, if you should know."
Oh! I was proud.
My chest swelled a bit.
I was her Knight in Armor.
Modern though.

"So he told you why?"
"Why what why?"
"You know, he payed you back.."
"Yeah he felt guilty.
And has changed.
We are going out.
Together again!"

"Oh! That is good news."
My chest deflated.
I was happy nevertheless.
She was back happy
with a heck of money.
And needless to say, her 'MAN'.

Like a true Knight,
I knew I should be good.
cos it is my nature.
And not cos I wanted to show off.
And not cos it was for her.

But you know,
I had stay at home,
And wait for the ink to wear off.
And that, seemed to take forever.
And the pain certainly took a li'l longer.

But I,
am The Modern Knight!


Arun said…
whoa! a nice one.. nice twists and a gripping plot and all in a compact form
Durga Nandan said…
Thank dear for taking time and reading my poems.. :)
Really means a lot to me..

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