Time Travel

If men could travel in time, we would have already met someone from the future in the present.
Which we have not.
Time travel, hence is impossible.

Any counters?


May be this is true that every civilization reaches to an end after a certain advancement. May be this is reason why we have not found any man from future.
Durga Nandan said…
You are right..
With the current state of earth, I wonder how long this race is gonna remain. :)

Welcome aboard. :)
rameez said…
But wish it were possible...
I wish Time Turners were real and that I wasnt a muggle.

Durga Nandan said…
Wish even I had been in a magical world.
But on the other hand, would not the 'lesser' species feel we are in a magical world of our own? With all these technology and facilities? :)
Welcome back. :)
a j said…
That was awesome

@ amit - nothing permits inter- civilization travel if there was a time machine. unless ours is the last one (which is unlikely, considering the expanse of time)

though there wasn't any math or relativity, this post had logic in it. in the very least it is not just witty.

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