I am on my REM..

There, in a lovely charming land,
where the roses made bed,
she met him..
And thought it was just a dream.

But no, the dream came alive.
And she saw him live.
They chat, they share,(for so long, that)
Being apart became something they couldn't bear.

Or so she thought.
Until the message he brought.
"Please stop loving me babe,
You are imagining too much, may be!"

She sat broken hearted.
The bed of roses, had thorns in them.
And thus they parted,
you must know, it's the end of a dream.


passedpawn said…
easter kazhinju ratri 2 30 nu ninakkitha pani..?? x-(
Durga Nandan said…
Poetry has no time dude. :)

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