Some Respect Please!!!

Have a little bit of respect for that woman who balances everything in life for you, for your family. She gets up in the morning cooks and readies you for your day, rushes with you to start her own. Then getting to her office, works there and tries to bring her own ambitions and dreams to come true. Comes back, tends to you again and your needs and falls on to the bed at night all worn out, but satisfied about what she did that day and with a smile.
She is your mother, you wife, your sister, your daughter. Give her some respect.

Instead of wondering why she is not taking care of you more,
Instead of wondering why she has not given you more time [ She has 24 hours a day too :) Forgot? ]
Or blaming her for everything that goes wrong,
Or thinking a mistake makes the whole past a wrong.

Give her some space. She has a life. She cares for you. But 24*7 she cannot keep sending you signals of that. She might also need some peace and lone time some times. Give it to her. After all, when you need her she is always there.

She is working so that the whole family does not know the pinch. Not because she wants to be away from her family. Or from her kids. Give her that credit. She takes cares of the kids, the husband, parents and finally herself. Because it happens every day, dont close your eyes and get used to it. It happens because she puts efforts for it.

If you think she is not doing enough, go jump. You would not be able to do half the things you do today, the way you do it, if not for her. Got it? So start giving a damn!


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