A Question.

For whose sins are the deaf, dumb, blind and the challenged born so?
Why should they have to lose and suffer?
I know lots do overcome their challenges and live better than 'normal' people.
But my question is, why them?
A child, born blind, is innocent and has not yet sinned. Why is it blind then? For whose sins?

Like The Holy Bible says, for the sins of forefathers? Or for God's miracles to have a way to man?
Or like Geetha says? Karma? Then why dont we remember our past life and its deeds, so we repent and regret it?
Does the Q'uran say anything about this?
Or for that matter any other 'holy' books?

If God was all fair and good, why does he allow things like this?


We justify everything, if not completely, at least we try to justify. I feel that the concept of reincarnation, Karma of the past lives is mere a justification why some are born deaf, dumb, blind and poor and some are born in perfectly well condition.
I do not accept to this justification and believe the reason behind is yet to be revealed.
Anonymous said…
well. there are no answers.
Not all the fingers of a hand are same, In the same way, God creates every human with different abilities, and different miseries
Durga Nandan said…
Then why are some manageable and some unmanageable?

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