Actually, this is a post which needs an amount of humor sense and understanding of Malayalam. If you dont have either, please feel free to browse other posts, or leave for better work. :) And yes, the saying in malayalam "Mookkil Pallu Mulakkya" [Literal Translation- "Tooth growing in Nose" heheh!!! It just means, 'getting old before something that is usually done, is not done.' (Any better interpretations are welcome.:) ) ] So, for the ones who are carrying on, I hope you do really have a bit of common sense. :) Cos, otherwise, the post wont make sense to you.. :) Now, this was a chat, I had with a chat-friend of mine, one month or so before..While I was browsing thru my old chats, I found this piece and felt the analogy beautiful.. :) Sharing it with you... It was kinda 9 o' clock I guess.. An excerpt. Changed from our chat lingo, a bit, for better understanding. " Him : So you had a bonanza this time.Onam n bday. me : :) yeah.. but it was no bi
the happiness he derives from it, is many times of the totaling of all happiness, a habitual winner derives after winning.
In this case, I will say.....
It is displacement that matters, not postion.
the displacement analogy is a new angle. :)
will surely follow up.....
keep em comin :)
Btw, I checked out your blog. Unfortunately, it is about movies, something I watch rarely.
And seriously, I cant tell the difference between most of the hollwood hotshots. Cant really decide if it is bad or good. :)
Cheerz anyways. :)