My scores are directly proportional to my frustration. I owe gamers. And English. :)
I play with a robot. This thing knows ALL the right moves that it pisses you every once in a while.
I start taking classes from tomo. I hope I turn out a good teacher. Amma was one before she turned to banking.
I want to be too. :)

Wish me luck!


Jidhu Jose said…
sambavami yuge yuge.....
a j said…
Best wishes :)
Be soft on kids ok? :P
Durga Nandan said…
@ aj : thanks bro. :)
yeah i will be. or so i hope.
but not if they are like u. :P
suraj pk said…
wish u luck ?!! way !

you will get screwed at this..

u knw y..
bcs u hv something else to do.. :)
sooner or later u will realize what it is.. best of luck :)
Durga Nandan said…
@ passedpawn : That is soo sweet. :)
Thank you.. :)

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