Two days with 'em..

Two days.
Two days into an experiment. Whether I could be a good teacher or not. Nope. I am just getting used to being the adult among kids. I have always been the kid among adults. You know, when kids look upto you in everything you do, it is a bit uncomfortable if you are acting like one. I mean, I cant scold a kid for being late if I myself am late. So, they might slowly change me. For the better.
I have students from classes 5th to 9th. The class for 10th standard has not started yet.
The youngest are the most active and I find myself in some of them.
They notice everything from the fact that I am wearing a jeans to my chudidar top, to the purse I carry, to the way I walk.. It is like you are on scrutiny every moment.

Sometimes, they bring out awkward but painful things and I would not have anything to say. Today I was telling them about the need of a job and about taking care of parents when they finally stand on their legs.. And a kid gets up and says "I cant take care of my parents. They are gone." He just does.
I could not say anything. I mean, what do I say?
I have to learn that.

The first day, yesterday that is, I enter the space for staff after the class and one guy jumps off his chair. "Wow! This is my chechi [elder sis]!!!"
Oh yes, this kid was the younger bro of one of my classmates from school. Wow, that is like, five years out of school and what? Him being 3-4 years younger to me? And he still remembers. :)
So, the kids who had tagged along with me to the staff space, they look at me in awe. I am someone great for the sir they respect and love. So, for the kids, I am SOMEONE. You know how kids are!
And then S [that bro I told you about] and me catch up on our lives after school. He had acquired a weird nick name too. Jillu :D
Suddenly my phone vibrates. I jump. Had put it my jeans pocket. Five years living with it and I still haven't gotten used to it vibrating on my hip bone.
Anyways, I pick it up and listen to a good news. One of my class mates, just out of the labor room. Baby gal. :)

Then slowly my mind works on it... Oh man, am I getting verrrry old? :(
Nah nah! I tell myself. They married early.
As I was lost in thoughts, a kid announces.
"Sir, I have a secret to tell you."
"This is my sis. You can say it in front of her alright."
"No sir. Please?"

I interrupt and say "Why dont you go listen to what she has to say?"
I was trying to curb back my 'feelings' that I aint having a family of own yet, when I heard this urgent whisper, pretty audible..
"Sir, Athul today stopped me after class and told me that he will let me go only if I told him I love you."
I was like "WHAT??!" And a grin bloomed on my face. Kids this age..!! [Now I even sound old.:D Dont I?]
"What did you say?"
"I called his sister. And then he tells her he didnt do it. 'You think I will do that?' All filmy style blackmail."
"I will talk to him. Dont worry."

And the girl leaves. I still have the smile plastered on my face. And the sir near me exclaims, "Have not even cleared the boards yet and he walks around saying I love yous. I am catching hold of that little mischief!"
Then I lose it and start laughing.
S comes back and says "They trust us. We got to understand chechi.."

The senior sir told me how to deal with kids. Not that I am good at it now. I am learning. :) Happily learning. I always loved kids you know.. :)

CheerZ to the kids that are still innocent. :)

PS- Today, I was sleeping and I get up. The outside was hazy. I check my mob for time. 1.57. "Great! Now the mob's clock is not working anymore! It is 7.57! OMG! I am late for the class!"
Then I looked outside again. Oh! It was raining outside and it WAS 1.57pm. :)
Two days and I am already having night[day]mares about missing classes! Hehe.. ;)


Jidhu Jose said…
u want to become a teacher?
Durga Nandan said…

Nope. I am seriously thinking of running a school. :)
Fingers Crossed!
suraj pk said…
jo plzzzzzzzzzzz... oru talamura nallaretiyil valaratte.. :'( .
mahaapaapam cheyyaruthu !
Durga Nandan said…
@ passedpawn : Dont limit it to 1 generation my dear. :)
I plan to take in generationS, with a capital S. :P

@ Jidhu : Thanks a lot.. :)
Anonymous said…
congrats for 4000+ hits. wya to go :)
Durga Nandan said…
@ Anon : Thanks for your visit. I kinda know who you are.
The 4k+ hits make me feel good. :)
naaj said…
you started teaching? where? i'm sure your students must be having fun... :) enjoy!!
Anonymous said…
that's really good work you do ... teaching has many advantages :

1. satisfaction ... there is no alternative to this one .
2. people(kids in ur case) listen to you ... u r under highlight's .
3. u get to be boss around the class , how often you get to play that role in ur life .

it is a respectable field to be in , considering all the past centuries .. haha :P .... srry that's a idiotic one .
Durga Nandan said…
@ Anon : 1. Yep. No replacements.
2. Again yes.
3. I get to boss around a lot. ;) Though I dont look it. :)

Haha.. Yeah.. I didnt know we knew each other in the previous births. :P
Teaching and schooling are respectable and something worthwhile if you ask me. :)

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