Births and Rebirths...

I have always found a beauty in wondering what I had been in my past life, if I had one.. It is almost like, a different me, in a different scene, different dressing, everything different. Just the essence is mine. But I am sure, I would have been an Indian. Somewhere in the north probably. Near a temple. Very religious and pious. I can imagine myself in some traditional wear.. I look good in it. :)
A dark stone temple always haunted my dreams.. Somewhere inside, I see myself running. It is a Shiva temple. Wonder where it is. I have had a deja vu' of another temple before. I remember being surprised when I entered it. It was exactly the same way I had either "dreamed of" or... I donno... I knew the way inside it without anyone guiding me. Wonder why..
Well, may be, just may be, Durga Nandan, was my name in that birth.. I have always felt some connection when I hear that name... when people call me Durga Nandan, when they recognize me as Durga.
Past life is just a concept for some. But sometimes, I feel there is a bit of truth in it.

Wonder what I will be, if I had a "next birth". Am sure of one thing though, I ll be an Indian. :)


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