I have always wondered why guys are crazy about bikes. Of course, they have the right to.. But not 'thaaaaaaaat' much.

My attention was dragged back to this thought when one of my colleagues bought a bike. An FZ. Not any lesser. Initially, it was wokey to listen to all his proud words about it. But later on, it became endless descriptions about his races with some stupid biker on the way here and back. And everytime he races, the bike can only make a single sound. Phooom!!..

Man, seriously, can he believe everyone else would be as interested in his bike races and experiences?

The joke about most of his experiences is that they seem a bit filmy. like, a guy swooshes past him on his pulsar. later, he puts the goddamn thing in 5th gear and races ahead.

And later, he wud be smoking a cigar near a wayside shop, when this guy rides past all defeated..

Way too filmy. Right?

Btw, 'Random thotzz' are really random. No meaning in trying to find a meaning in my words here.. :)


Durga Nandan said…
PS- Dont call me a hypocrite. But I was a da^n crazy bike lover for years..
And I actually know why the hell guys go crazy about bikes.
May be, this post was born, just for the heck of it. :)
Anonymous said…
REALLY! I thought i was the only one who did not understand the fact why boys drool over bikes. and even mobiles and gadgets. i still dont understand huh!
Durga Nandan said…
the same reason we go crazy abt apparels and accessories. ;) :D
rameez said…
ride one for yourself, for a change.
feel the adrenaline rush.
you'll be eating up your words then.
Durga Nandan said…
I have done that ramz. :) But unlike guys, I dont feel the adrenaline rush wen i ride it. but still love watching bikes.
With scooty I do get the feel though. :)
I already said this is a post just for the heck of it. :)

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